Day 8 PM – Lago di Dobbiaco

Jan 19, 2020

Today’s Blog Entry

Cindy and I had a busy Sunday. We finished up our morning trip a bit earlier than expected so we added a second outing in the afternoon. The good news is that allowed us to check another place off of our bucket list for this trip, the bad news is that we clocked a total of 20 km (12 miles) hiking and we were both beat by the time we got back to our apartment in Dobbiaco.

Our late afternoon outing was a loop hike from the apartment southward towards Cortina d’Ampezzo – tomorrow’s destination – along a designated winter route. Today’s destination was the beautiful Lake Dobbiaco (Lago di Dobbiaco). The lake is located in the mouth of a steep valley and as a result the sun was already behind the mountains for much of the hike.

The hike took us past Dobbiaco’s Nordic Center stadium, site of the finish line for the cross-country skiing FIS World Cup events held here each year. It will be interesting to see how this area’s facilities factor into Cortina’s hosting of the 2026 Winter Olympics.

The facilities around Lago di Dobbiaco (and the smaller size of the lake) makes it seem like a state park compared to the UNESCO World Heritage site that we visited Saturday at Lago di Braies, but the scenery was still top-notch!

Today’s Map


The Weather

High 23 F, Low 13 F
This was technically the coldest day of the trip but it didn’t necessarily feel that way thanks to the brilliant sunshine.

The Meals

Breakfast : In the apartment

Lunch : The Jora Hütte

Dinner : In the apartment