Day 8 AM – The Jora Hütte

Jan 19, 2020

Today’s Blog Entry

Cindy and I had a busy Sunday. We finished up our morning trip a bit earlier than expected so we added a second outing in the afternoon. The good news is that allowed us to check another place off of our bucket list for this trip, the bad news is that we clocked a total of 20 km (12 miles) hiking and we were both beat by the time we got back to our apartment in Dobbiaco.

Our morning outing started out with a bus ride (of course!) and a pleasant stroll through the charming town of Innichen. We then hiked southeast out of town on a designated winter route. This route followed the main road to Kreuzberg Pass before climbing up into the forest and looping back towards town.

This forest path took us past the haunting Wildbad Innichen, a grand hotel and spa that was in operation for many years before being abandoned to the elements mid-way between the two World Wars. The building is fenced off (for good reason due to imminent collapse) but it was still possible to find some interesting camera angles.

The trail continued all the way to the Jora Hütte, a slopeside restaurant at the Baranci Piste Da Sci, Innichen’s local ski hill. The Jora Hütte ( is operated by head chef Markus Holzer, something of a celebrity in the world of Italian cooking. He’s authored several books about Tyrolean fare and is a regular on ‘La Prova Del Cuoco’, a cooking competition broadcast on Italian TV. After a wonderful lunch we reversed our route and hiked back down into town where we caught a mid-afternoon bus to Dobbiaco.

Today’s Map


The Weather

High 23 F, Low 13 F
This was technically the coldest day of the trip but it didn’t necessarily feel that way thanks to the brilliant sunshine.

The Meals

Breakfast : In the apartment

Lunch : The Jora Hütte

Dinner : In the apartment