Day 7 – Lunch At The Sanon Hütte

Oct 7, 2022

Today’s Adventure

On Friday Cindy and I took advantage of the spectacular weather (low 60’s and brilliant sunshine) for a relaxed hike around the beautiful Alpe di Siusi.  By this point in the trip we had hiked over 100 miles on this trip so a long lunch on the sun terrace of some charming rifugio was just what the doctor ordered to help recharge our batteries before our move to Brixen the next morning.

We walked just a few blocks from our apartment to the base of the Mont Seuc cable car and rode it to the top of the ridge separating the Alpe di Siusi from Val Gardena.  From there we walked west, descending slowly through the forested section of the trail.  We broke out into the open not far from the Malga Contrin, a charming rifugio that we had visited on Monday. 

We continued along the trail and made a wide loop out into the meadow that finally brought us to the Sanon Hütte (, which Cindy’s research had indicated would be a fine lunch destination.  We arrived a little before 12 noon, i.e. fairly early by European standards, but the rifugio was already fairly busy. Fortunately we were able to snare a choice high-top table on the edge of the sun terrace that gave us a great view of the meadow and the mountains beyond as well as the other people enjoying life.

After taking care of our ‘Two Beers With A View’ obligation we ordered lunch.  Cindy chose the speck dumplings on white slaw while Stuart chose his usual hiker’s lunch of fried eggs and speck, although this time with some of the excellent local polenta in lieu of rosti.  We then decided to celebrate our 100 miles of hiking with a shared order of Kaiserschmarrn accompanied by Gewürztraminer for Cindy and some pear schnapps (literally and appropriately known as ‘Pear Williams’) for Stuart. As luck would have it a pair of the chaise lounges opened up on the lawn just as we were finishing our dessert so we paid our tab and adjourned to the lawn to gather our strength for the hike home.

The last leg of our hike took us eastward across the meadow to the Sporthotel Sonne where we hopped on a chair lift for a ride back to the top of Mont Seuc (we may be old but we’re not dumb).  From there we rode the cable car back into Ortisei.  After a quick stop at the grocery store we spent some time preparing for our next day’s travel and then enjoyed a quiet evening in the apartment.

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Today’s Map

Hiking Log

2.4 Total Miles

250′ Cumulative Vertical

1:13 Time On Trail

The Meals

Breakfast : In The Apartment

Lunch : Sanon Hütte

Dinner : In The Apartment