Day 4 – The Innerfeldtal Valley

Jan 15, 2020

Today’s Blog Entry

Today’s outing allowed Cindy and I to experience more of the beautiful scenery here in the Dolomites. We took the ski bus from Dobbiaco eastward through the town of Innichen and hopped off at a fairly remote stop near the entrance to the Innerfeldtal Valley. This valley is part of the Parco Naturale Tre Cime (Three Peaks Nature Park), a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

From there we strapped on our snowshoes and began our seven mile roundtrip hike on a fairly narrow forest trail winding through the trees. There were large trees down in multiple areas from recent storms so this made for some interesting footwork! After an hour or so we joined a single lane snow-packed forest service road that made the going much easier. At this point we could shed the snowshoes and rely on our winter boots for traction. This road eventually broke out into the open and offered some amazing views of the jagged peaks that are a signature feature of this region.

The road also led us to a small berghotel called the Dreischusterhütte ( where we had a well-earned lunch before heading back down the valley to catch a late afternoon bus. The day was perfect for this sightseeing, sunny but cold with morning temperatures in the teens and an afternoon high in the 30’s. The forecast is calling for a chance of snow this weekend, so we have our fingers crossed!

Today’s Map


The Weather

High 31 F, Low 24 F
It was a beautiful sunny day but a bit cold to start, especially deep in the valley and under the trees.

The Meals

Breakfast : In the apartment

Lunch : The Dreischusterhütte

Dinner : In the apartment