Day 2 – Keuka Lake State Park

Aug 6, 2021

Today’s Blog Entry

On Friday morning our peaceful slumber was interrupted by a gang of local roosters. Welcome to the farm, eh?

When we went outside we were surprised to find that it was rather foggy, so we had a nice lazy start while we waited for the fog to burn off. We finally hit the road around 10:30 for another 3-1/2 hour drive, this time to Keuka Lake State Park, NY.  There was no great rush due to the campground’s check-in time restrictions.

After arriving and setting up camp we took a hike from the campground through the woods and down to the shore of Keuka Lake. This gave us a good look at the park’s marina, beach, and picnic area as well as an interesting tour of a very old family cemetery hidden on a small wooded knoll not far from the lake.

We then returned to the rig where we fixed dinner on the grill (ribs, sausage, and corn on the cob) and relaxed by the campfire before calling it a night.

Overall a fairly light day, but we both needed a little downtime to get ready for the busy days ahead!

Today’s Map

Today’s Photos