Day 1 – Pima Air & Space Museum

Oct 11, 2019

Today’s Blog Entry

After our hike to Wasson Peak Cindy and I visited the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson. Here’s some eye candy from that visit for my friends into vintage aircraft.

We went later in the day so crowds were very light and we were able to explore the displays at our own pace. It’s a clean, modern facility with some truly rare planes on display.

The docents were engaging and a lot fun to talk with, especially a couple of older ones (one nearly 90!) that would’ve been in the USAF with my father. In fact the one retired Colonel was in Spain at the same time that we were (1962-1965) and knew some of the same people!

A highlight for me was getting up close to a pair of LTV A-7 Corsair II light attack aircraft. I worked on the avionics for this plane when I did my summer internship at Texas Instruments’ Government Equipment Group in Dallas (1982).

Maybe on a later trip we’ll extend the tour to include the nearby Davis Monthan AFB boneyard .

Today’s Map